The Tir & Môr Ynys Cybi Land& Sea Landscape Partnership is unusual in that its boundary contains terrestrial, inter-tidal and marine areas. The Landscape Character Assessment which supported the successful HLF Funding submission therefore needed to provide information on all these landscape and seascape types. Fiona achieved this by adapting and simplifying the relevant sections of the Anglesey and Snowdonia Seascape Character Assessment which she had completed a few years previously, to produce a document which provides a suitable basis for community use and Landscape Partnership decision-making. The document identifies nine distinctive landscape and seascape types within the study area, and describes their key characteristics, natural influences, cultural influences and perceptual qualities. Issues and forces for change affecting the landscapes are described, along with project opportunities under the themes of the Landscape Partnership. Community consultation was undertaken with local residents and stakeholders on how people describe the Ynys Cybi landscape, how it makes them feel, and their concerns about issues affecting the landscape.