Landscape Sensitivity is a measure of the resilience of a landscape to withstand change arising from development without undue negative effects on the landscape or views.
The methodology for the Jersey Landscape Sensitivity Assessment was in line with the current best practice on landscape sensitivity assessment and also takes into account the particular circumstances, and the landscape and seascape context, of Jersey. The outputs of the Assessment were used by the Government of Jersey to help identify the most appropriate sites for new housing in the Island Plan Review. A list of study areas was provided by the client, including key villages and parts of the island’s urban fringes.
The project used a two-stage methodology. The first stage was a desk-based assessment (confirmed in the field) to identify Local Landscape Units (LLUs) within each study area, primarily based on landscape character. Those LLUs which exhibited sensitive special qualities identified in the Landscape Character Assessment, or which had other heritage or nature conservation sensitivities, were not assessed further.
The LLUs which were considered to have some potential to accommodate residential development without significant adverse landscape or visual impacts were assessed in more detail. For these LLUs, field-based analysis was undertaken, and tabulated sensitivity ratings provided on a 5-point scale from low to high. Recommendations for mitigation and enhancement measures were also provided for each study area, reflecting local landscape and settlement character.